GGHA Town Hall Spring 2021

Event Date

 GGHA Town Hall Spring 2021


The town hall is meant to create a space for students in the program to voice concerns or praise about the program structure, COVID concerns, core course options, mentorship, DEI, etc. At the meeting, Astrid Volder (GGHA Program Chair) will be present to respond to any questions or concerns that may come up. This meeting was created in response to feedback received from students in the Horticulture and Agronomy Program Review. The review occurs every 7-8 years to assess the strengths and progress of the Horticulture and Agronomy Graduate Program.

The town hall will occur on May 14th at 10 AM PST. The zoom link will be sent out 3 days prior to the meeting. 

Please write in any questions you have at this link. All submissions will be anonymous!